For bacteria to get all over your body, they must be riding
along with parasites that get all over your body. Microscopically
tiny roundworms can do this.
Trichinella is the most common
cause of these diseases, but sometimes
Ascaris larvae or hookworms or
strongyle larvae are the main culprits.
These wormlets bring hosts of bacteria
with them, mainly “Streps”
(Streptococcus varieties) and
“Staphs” (Staphylococcus varieties),
but also “Clostridiums” (Clostridium
varieties) and “Campyls”
(Campylobacter varieties). The
bacteria are probably the pain causers. By killing all bacteria—
Staphs, Streps, Clostridiums and Campyls—using a zapper, you
may get relief for one hour!
By killing Trichinella and Ancylostomas (worms) first, fol-
lowed by the bacteria, you may get relief for several hours. By
killing the parasites and bacteria in every household member and
the pets at the same time and by never putting your fingers to your
mouth, you can expect permanent pain relief. It is interesting to
speculate why the other family members, who are also infected
with these tiny roundworms don't develop fibromyalgia. Perhaps
the larvae stay in the intestine or go to the diaphragm (causing
coughing) or the eyes (causing “lazy” eye muscles). Perhaps they
merely cause anemia. Trichinella, hookworms and strongyles
are extremely difficult to get rid of in a family.
These roundworm larvae undoubtedly cross the placenta into
the unborn child during pregnancy, too. So they can be
“inherited.” Try to clear up the whole family before the next
Fig. 15 Trichinella
larvae settled in mus-