Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

kidney, lungs, bones and bone marrow. She was also full of beryl-
lium (usually from “coal oil”) contained in the hurricane lamps she
kept in every room. She had numerous parasites, including
Strongyloides and hookworms spread through her body tissues.
She was thrilled to learn how to get her health back and started
with the dental problem.

Marcia Cochran, 36, had muscles twitching all over her body. It was
diagnosed as fibromyalgia. Her joints were tender and her chest
felt “tight.” She had bronchitis twice a year. She was on Amytryp-
talineTM for muscle twitching and BentylTM to calm the intestine
(spastic colon). She had depression with it and was on medicine
for that. It all started with fever and chills that she thought was the
flu but after they went away, she was left with a tremor. Sometimes
she felt that little electric shocks were going through her. She had
Ascaris and hookworm larvae widespread in her body. She had
sheep liver flukes in her liver. She was started on the parasite
program. She was also toxic with PVC and tellurium (dental metal).
The PVC was traced to plastic storm windows applied to the inside
of the window and to new shower curtains. Two months passed
and she had not solved any of her problems. Then she did her first
liver cleanse and got over 100 stones out. This instantly reduced
her fibromyalgia to occasional attacks. She was so encouraged
she decided to go ahead with dental cleanup.

Joint Pain or Arthritis.................................................

Two main kinds of arthritis are recognized clinically, os-
teoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. In osteoarthritis the joints
have bacteria living on the deposits left there. In rheumatoid
arthritis the bacteria come from larger parasites—wormlets ac-
tually living in these joints. The worms are the common little
roundworms whose eggs hatch into microscopic wormlets that

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