Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

revealed lead in her bones. It was traced to a drugstore variety
multivitamin tablet she had taken daily for years. When she
stopped these and added prescription vitamin D (50,000 units) for
three weeks to help her bones heal she got relief.

Gail Hildebrand, age 62, had painful arthritic hands and gum disease.
She had 12 parasites free-loading on her and was toxic with as-
bestos. This was traced to her clothes dryer. Four months later,
after killing parasites, her hand pain and gums were much better.
She had the dryer vent taped up tighter and this got rid of her as-
bestos problem. She started on kidney herbs and in one month
saw that her enlarged knuckles were beginning to go down.

Norma Littrell, age 53, came in for her severe arthritis of six years. Her
knees, shoulders and hands were painful. I explained to her that
painful shoulders did not belong to the arthritis picture but had a
gallstone etiology which she could easily fix in a single night at a
later time (liver cleanse). She also had mid-back, upper back and
lower back pain; again the upper back pain belonged to the liver
problem. She had tricalcium phosphate kidney crystals as well as
uric acid crystals. She was told to go off coffee (no decaf either),
decrease her meat and grain consumption (phosphate) and in-
crease milk and use
stone ground cornmeal
products (genuine stone
ground tortillas as well as
pickled pigs' feet are high
in utilizable calcium). She
started on the kidney
herbs. In 33 days her low
back pain had improved a
lot, she could wash her
own hair again and she
could sit down and get up
from her living room floor
without pain. She was
elated but we
recommended less stress
than such exercises for her joints.

Patricia Robinson, age 76, had pain in her knees, feet, lower back,
hands and wrists. Also in her shoulders and upper back which is
not part of the arthritis

Fig. 17 Stone ground corn tor-
tillas, high in calcium.
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