Hip Pain.....................................................................
Hip pain is always due to bacteria. In fact, these bacteria
regularly come from two sources: the kidneys and the teeth. This
simplifies the treatment since neither of these places takes a long
time to clear.
Start yourself immediately on the kidney cleanse (page 549 )
to clean your kidneys. Continue on the recipe until the dental
cleanup has been completed. Both must be clean together to stop
exporting bacteria to the hip.
The dental cleanup could take several weeks if extensive
work is required. During this time, kill all parasites electroni-
cally. Keep killing bacteria, especially Staphs, Streps, Clos-
tridia, Campyls.
The dental problem is not always on the same side as the hip
pain. The jaw may be very fragile and porous, full of invading
bacteria. Cleaning these cavitations may give immediate pain
relief in the hip (proving the bacterial source). But getting the
jaw bone to heal by taking up calcium again is not guaranteed by
the cleaning process.
Give your jaw bone every chance to heal:
- Start taking vitamin D (40,000 to 50,000 u.), every day for
three weeks from the day of the dental work or before.
After this, take it twice a week forever. Do not take more. - Take vitamin C (1+ gm a day) and B 6 (250-500 mg a day)
for healthy gums. - Get one gram of usable calcium in your daily diet.
Bone Strengthening....................................................................
Vegetable calcium can't be dissolved by our stomachs
(ruminants, like cows, can dissolve it—they have an extra
stomach loaded with special bacteria who do the actual retriev-
ing of calcium). Tablet-form calcium can't be dissolved well