Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

either, especially as we age. We need predissolved calcium if a
little is to go a long way.
Primitive people who lived on fish or stone-ground meal ate
4-6 grams of calcium a day.^6 Even if only 20% of this got dis-
solved, they would still have about 1 gram of utilizable calcium
for themselves. Chances are good they dissolved even more,
since they were young (life expectancy was less than 50 years).
Their skull remains show beautiful, cavity-free teeth. They lived
outdoors, mainly, so getting enough sunshine-derived vitamin D
was not a problem. Their natural diet supplied enough vitamin B 2
to protect them from UV (ultraviolet) damage from sunshine
But these are civilized times. Our lives are stretched into old
age, when our stomachs no longer produce enough acid to kill
bacteria, nor to dissolve the minerals in our food. So they need to
be dissolved for us. Milk is a beverage where the calcium has
already been dissolved by the other ingredients. The lactic acid
in milk formed during digestion gives the calcium the correct
chelated structure for absorption by the intestine. Even the bile
participates in calcium absorption. Milk also contains phosphate,
but not too much to be useful. I recommend milk as a calcium-
source to heal the jaw bone after and before dental work. You
need 1+ grams a day. One quart of milk has 1 gm (1000 mg) of
utilizable calcium. You absorb only 250-400 mg. The rest is
excreted and eliminated. Only the absorbed calcium can heal
your jaw bone. Use milk in cooking as well as a beverage. The
calcium in it is indestructible.
Bones are not made of calcium alone. Magnesium is essen-
tial. Since magnesium is more soluble and easy to assimilate than
calcium, the tablet form (magnesium oxide, 300 mg, see

(^6) Read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price,
DDS first published in 1939. At least, gaze at the pictures. Ask your
library to buy a copy, available from Price-Pottenger Nutrition Founda-
tion, (800) 366-3748.

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