Sources) will do. If you are not absorbing the magnesium it will
stay in your intestine and act as a laxative. If this happens acidify
your stomach during meals: always add fresh lemon, vinegar, or
vitamin C to your food or drink to help digest milk and dissolve
minerals for you. Boron (3 mg. once a day) and manganese (15
mg. once a day) are additional bone hardeners.
When your diet is improved, your dental problem is cleared,
and your kidneys are clean, your hip pain will stay away and you
can stop thinking about hip replacement surgery.
Mary Hammond, 48, had two painful hips. She was diabetic and
drinking five cups of coffee a day. She had Staphylococcus
aureus infections under three teeth that she no longer had. After
going off caffeine (caffeine may spread bacteria by making tissues
more permeable) and getting some dental work done, her right hip
stopped hurting. When cavitations were cleaned, her left hip
stopped hurting too, but after a week the pain returned. She still
had parasites and their bacteria to kill. She had solvents to elimi-
nate and a kidney cleanse to do but she was quite enthusiastic and
enjoyed showing off how well she walked.
Groin Pain..................................................................
Lymph nodes are situated here, as well as in armpits and
around the neck. Lymph nodes are your best friends. They are
hives of activity. Your white blood cells “nest” here. Lymph
nodes sample your body fluids (lymph) at these locations, much
like the water department and health department sample our milk
and water, making sure they are pure and sterile. Of course, they
never really are. But your white blood cells keep working at it.
They are busy removing impurities like zirconium and titanium
and pathogens like bacteria and viruses.