Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

Since they are sulfur-containing, and I have seen them appear
after taking sulfa-drugs, it may be wise to avoid use of sulfa-
drugs if you have a choice, or go on the kidney cleanse after-
If you have severe lower back pain you probably have sev-
eral kinds of stones. Some persons have all seven kinds!

Rosie Zakar, age 30, came to see us because her mother was cured
of lower back pain so severe she could do no housework for 30
years. Rosie had the usual crystals in her kidneys: oxalate, urate
and phosphates. She was started on the kidney herb recipe. In
three weeks she was so much better she would have missed her
appointment if she had not wanted to cure her digestive problem
and fatigue too.

Vera Vigneault, age 32, came mainly for help in getting pregnant but
she already had lower back pain and mid-back pain. If she had
gotten pregnant before clearing this up, she might have developed
eclampsia and high blood pressure which are kidney-related
disorders. She was started on kidney herbs for these. She chewed
gum a lot and had bleeding gums. She stated her bad teeth were
hereditary (meaning other family members had bad teeth also).
For this she was instructed to stop chewing gum, start drinking
three glasses of 2% milk a day and take a vitamin A&D perle. She
was to floss her teeth once a day. (All floss varieties are polluted
with mercury and thallium. Use monofilament fish line, 2 to 4 lb.
weight.) Immediately after flossing she was to brush them with a
new very soft toothbrush with five drops of 17½% food grade
hydrogen peroxide. She was to avoid brushing teeth with metal
fillings to reduce erosion. She was to brush them a second time
without flossing first, this time with five drops of white iodine
(potassium iodide) made up by the pharmacist, again avoiding the
metal. She had only oxalate kidney stones and was to stop drinking
regular tea, replacing it with single-herb teas. In five weeks her
gums were better although she was still chewing a little gum and
the "peroxy" had been too painful for her to use. Her low back and
mid-back pains were gone too.

Gerhard Rogers, age 39, came for his lower back pain and leg
cramps. He had mono, di and tricalcium phosphate crystals in his
kidneys. His diet was changed to reduce phosphate (meat, cereal,

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