breads, pasta, carbonated beverage) and increase calcium and
minerals. He was to drink three glasses of 2% milk a day and to
start the kidney herb recipe. In 25 days he had only minor im-
provement. He still had phosphate crystals. He was afraid to drink
milk because he had heard so many bad things about it. He was
told to boil it first to eliminate these “bad things”. A toxic element
test showed a buildup of copper, arsenic, cobalt, cadmium, lead,
thallium, vanadium and radon. This could easily explain his leg
cramps, headaches and sleep problem, too. The arsenic came
from pesticide, cobalt from detergent, thallium and copper from
tooth fillings. The vanadium was fixed by having the gas pipes
tightened, and radon could be reduced by improving ventilation
under the house. He was thankful for the information and set about
cleaning up his body and environment.
Alberta Mellos age 52, came in for lower back pain and upper back
pain. It was explained to her that lower back pain was simply due
to tiny stones cutting into her tissues but upper back pain was due
to gallstones. She could clear her low back pain first. The kidney
test showed she had oxalate and cysteine crystals. She was
started on the kidney herb recipe. Nineteen days later she arrived
with a cold but stated that her low back pain was gone.
Glenn Dirk, age 62, called on the telephone to say his urination had
stopped, probably due to kidney stones. This had happened once
before and now he was in a panic. He started our kidney herb
recipe the same day and passed 117 stones the same night with-
out bleeding or enough pain to need painkiller. After this, he could
focus on his prostate enlargement and pain with sitting. He had
intestinal flukes and other stages in his prostate gland as well as in
his intestine. He also had Clonorchis (human liver flukes and their
eggs) in his prostate. He had carbon tetrachloride methyl butyl
ketone and TC Ethylene from food pollution accumulated there too.
After stopping grocery store beverages and killing parasites with a
frequency generator, he could urinate normally, freely and without