Lower Abdominal Pain..............................................
The lower abdomen on the left side has the sigmoid colon as
it comes down and bends. This is a favorite location for larger
parasites to settle permanently. Flukes, roundworms, parasites of
all kinds and their attendant bacteria and viruses can be felt if
they produce gas and pain. Sometimes they live perfectly quietly,
seemingly in harmony with us.
Moving the bowel more frequently expels them repeatedly
and prevents their numbers from getting very high. Nature may
help you with this by setting up diarrhea. Diarrhea is your clue
that intestinal freeloaders are present.
The small intestine leads
into the colon at your
lower abdomen on the
right side. At the junction
is the ileocaecal valve that
prevents backwash, and
the appendix. The
ascending colon goes up
your right side then
becomes the transverse
colon that crosses your
abdomen at the belly
button level. The colon
descends on your left
side, leading into the
E. coli and Salmonella and Shigella are “enteric” (they live
in your bowel) bacteria that can give you severe abdominal dis-
tress and pain. In fact, you can become a chronic sufferer. They
can live on hands and under your fingernails, so reinfection from
yourself is the most important source. Never, never touch your
fingers to your lips. Most importantly, don't try to stop