bowel where you feel no effects. Sterilize all your dairy foods by
heating at the boiling point for 10 seconds, even if you have no
If you are intolerant of milk it doesn't mean that you are
lactase deficient, but that you are unable to kill any Salmonellas
and Shigellas. These, in turn, can make you lactase deficient via
frequent diarrheas. You can correct this situation by not eating
any more bacteria. Give your body clean food, as intended by
nature. Don't eat any deli foods, don't eat salad bar food or res-
taurant food unless it has been baked or cooked. Never eat
chicken or red meat at restaurants. They are not thoroughly
As soon as a new abdominal pain or discomfort, or a gassy
condition appears, zap bacteria and try to eliminate your bowel
contents. Use the herb, Cascara sagrada (follow directions on
label) as a laxative, or Epsom salts if necessary. Also start the
Bowel Program (page 546 ).
If you have chronic abdominal problems, make sure you
eliminate the bowel contents two or three times a day. There are
herbs that can kill enteric bacteria, known to our ancestors of
various cultures. Echinacea was a treasured herb of American
Indians. Goldenseal is another favorite. Turmeric can kill E.
coli and some Shigellas. Fennel can also kill some. But a single
dose of Black Walnut Tincture Extra Strength seems to do the
most. Make it yourself if possible (see Recipes, page 543 ).
If your body has lost its ability to kill Salmonellas and Shi-
gellas, all the antibiotics and herbs and good bowel habits can-
not protect you from these ubiquitous bacteria. You could ask
how you lost your natural protection from them. There is evi-
dence that common antibiotics that kill Streptococcus and
Staphylococcus varieties are responsible.
A fraction of your bowel bacteria should be the friendly
Strep. lactis and Staph. epidermidis. After repeated doses of
penicillin-like antibiotics (that you may be taking for your strep