throat) they are eradicated along with the “bad” Strep. pneumo-
niae bug. No amount of acidophilus culture (which contains ac-
tive Lactobacillus) can replace these Streps or Staphs.
In mice, it takes a million Salmonella bacteria to start an in-
fection. After giving them streptomycin, it only took 10 bacteria
to infect them!^9 Your intestines are similarly handicapped after
antibiotics, and allow even very small amounts of Salmonella
and Shigella to escape and multiply!
Try to get some natural killing power back. This means im-
proving the stomach's ability to produce acid and the liver's
ability to make bile. In turn, this means getting the toxins out of
the stomach and cleaning the liver. Certain toxins accumulate in
the stomach when the liver and kidneys can't keep up with
elimination. Arsenic is a prominent stomach toxin. Get all
sources of arsenic removed. Freon is another stomach toxin.
Switch to a non-Freon containing refrigerator.
The metals from dentalware: mercury, silver, copper, thal-
lium, first are swallowed and then land in the stomach. Clean up
your dentalware. Toxins you inhale such as asbestos, formalde-
hyde, fiberglass, also are coughed up and swallowed to accu-
mulate in the stomach. Test for them and clean up your
environment. Any stomach can recover a significant part of its
function by cleaning it up. Even though you regain your tolerance
toward minute bits of filth in dairy products, do not go back to
unsterilized milk products.
The lower abdomen on the right side has the valve that sepa-
rates the small intestine (ileum) from the large intestine
(^9) Sherwood L. Gorbach, M.D., Perturbation of Intestinal Microflora,
Vet Human Toxicol 35 (Supplement 1) 1993.