Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

(caecum) called the ileocaecal valve. It is a common trouble
spot because large parasites can attach themselves behind it and
keep themselves safe from elimination. (A parasite's biggest
worry is your elimination.) It is a favorite location for pinworms
in children. It is near this point where the appendix attaches and
this, too, is a favorite location of pinworms. With an appendix
full of pinworms and their bacteria, is it any wonder when it gets
inflamed and causes pain?
Appendicitis refers to inflammation of the appendix. Often,
the pain isn't felt over the appendix but over the navel (this is an
example of pain being caused at one location but felt at another;
it is called referred pain). If there are any suspicions of appen-
dicitis, zap pinworms and all enteric parasites and bacteria im-
mediately. Because the current does not penetrate the bowel
contents very well, zap every day for two weeks and take 2 tsp.
(½ tsp. for children) Black Walnut Hull Tincture Extra Strength
one time. Make sure bowel movements are regular after this (see
the Bowel Program, page 546 , for hints) and hands are washed
after bathroom use and before eating. Keep fingernails short for
the whole family.
If appendicitis does not clear up it can lead to a burst appen-
dix, spewing the dreadful contents into the abdomen. Kill pin-
worms and roundworms and enteric parasites regularly (once a
week) in children. Keep pets on a regular diet of parasite-killing

Urinary Tract Pain....................................................

Urinary tract infections, including bladder, kidney, and ure-
thral infections, are easier to clear up than to test for. Start by
drinking a half gallon of water a day. Put yourself on the kidney
herb recipe (page 549 ). This will dissolve the tiny crystals
where bacteria hide and multiply.

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