Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

using a product containing an herbal oil that was polluted with
benzene. His parasites were quickly killed with a frequency gen-
erator and he was put on the herbal parasite program. One month
later his stomach felt much better, but he still had an occasional
stomach ache. Testing showed hookworm and rabbit fluke. His
benzene was now gone so the tendency to “pick up everything”
was gone too. Staying on a child's maintenance parasite program
would protect him.

Kim Johnson, almost two years old, had lots of ear infections. It started
at eight months so the mother took her off cow's milk and wheat.
This stopped her ear infections until mid-winter. She had to be
back on antibiotics and a few months ago the doctor began
discussing tube implants with her since she was still on antibiotics
(six months). Another ear, nose and throat doctor agreed with this
opinion, but was willing to wait until Autumn. The baby had been
passing a lot of undigested food and was unhappy. They were
vegetarians. The baby nursed. Our test showed pancreatic fluke
infestation; this would easily lead to bad digestion, especially of
milk and gluten in wheat. Fortunately, she was nursed throughout,
in spite of going to daycare. Simply killing the parasites (in both
mother and baby) solved both problems and she did not need to
come back. The ear infections were probably caused by bacteria
and viruses brought in by the parasites.

Cynthia Prout, age 36, brought her three children because of their
poor health. They all, including herself, had stomach problems, a
lot of allergies, asthma, ear infections, and milk intolerance. One
boy, age 8, was intolerant of both milk and wheat and hadn't had
them for years. He was infested with two kinds of Ascaris and
pancreatic flukes. His sister, Nola, had itching legs and headaches
besides; she was toxic with bismuth and antimony (from shampoo
fragrance and laundry fragrance). She also showed a build up of
vanadium, implying a gas leak in the home. The youngest, age 5,
had frequent stomach aches and vomiting. It was a simple matter
to kill Ascaris electronically at 408 KHz and the pancreatic fluke
with all its stages (421 through 434) after which the children did

Sofia Sobel had extreme ulcerative colitis although she came for her
headache. She had been on Prednisone for a month with no relief.
We found she had the three large flukes plus Chilomastix, dog
whip worm, and amoebas in her intestine (but not in body organs).

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