they did no good. He had intestinal flukes and all their reproductive
stages in his body, also pancreatic flukes, Capillaria roundworm,
and Diphyllobothrium erinacea scolex. We interrupted his testing
at that point. His kidneys were full of phosphate crystals— he ate
no dairy products. He was started on half-doses of kidney herbs
and only part of the parasite program in view of his colostomy and
possible diarrhea. Two weeks later we continued testing, finding
pinworms, Haemonchus, Leishmania tropica, Paragonimus,
Sarcocystis, Stephanuris and Trichuris (whip worm.) Quassia
was added and doses increased. His blood test showed a high
thyroid hormone level (T4), contributory to over activity of his
bowel He was started on goat milk, vitamin C (3 gm. daily) and B 12
shots. He was given magnets to sit on for pain. He was toxic with
cadmium, from his old tooth fillings. But in five weeks he could sit
comfortably without pain pills. There was less blood in the stool.
Dental work would bring him his next big improvement.
Benito Villamar, a middle age man, had severe side pain for several
weeks. He was also gassy. He had sheep liver fluke and stages in
his thymus and intestine. The thymus is under the top of the
breastbone and is a very important organ of immune function. It is
easily damaged by benzene. He did, indeed, have benzene ac-
cumulated there. He was given a list of benzene-polluted products
to avoid and was started on the parasite killing herbs after killing
the flukes instantly with the frequency generator. Two weeks later
his side was very much better, his benzene was gone and he was
eager to rid himself of lower back pain, which he also had.
Al Vickers, age 9, had stomach aches, headaches, a constantly runny
nose and asthma. He was on Slo-BidTM medicine and allergy
treatment. He had a sleep problem. He also had two dogs, one rat
and two hamsters. The dogs and he had high levels of Ascaris. He
was zapped for Ascaris and the four common flukes (without
testing). He was put on vermifuge syrup and Rascal capsules. This
ended his problems and began a new chapter of better care for his
health by his parents.
Tim Melton, age 16, had several colitis attacks yearly, requiring hos-
pitalization, from third grade to the present. He also drooled con-
stantly, needing to spit a lot. (This is due to mercury toxicity from
amalgam fillings. It is better to spit out the mercury than to swal-