Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

off toilet seats and doorknobs. Always wash hands after toilet-
ing: a single droplet reinfects you!

Uterine Pain.............................................................


Many a woman's dreams have been shattered by her inability
to have a child. Endometriosis is often the cause. It starts with
painful cramps at period times. They get worse and worse until
pain killers are necessary just to get out of bed and move about
the house. There are flukes in the uterus! Large intestinal flukes in
a rather small organ! Did they migrate to the uterus from the
intestine or did they develop there from eggs?
Sometimes sheep liver fluke is seen there. Once an avenue to
the uterus is established, numerous other parasites move in the
same direction: Clonorchis, the human liver fluke and even
Eurytrema, the pancreatic fluke, can invade the uterus wall. Why
have they taken up so abnormal a living place? Because the
uterus has solvents in it! This is the green light for flukes. This
disarms your organs so they are left helpless against fluke stages
left there by the blood and lymph. Stop eating solvent-polluted
foods. There are solvents in all cold cereals. Make cooked
cereal. There are solvents in purchased drinking water. Drink
from your cold kitchen faucet. There are solvents in grocery store
bread, grocery baked goods and cholesterol-reduced foods. Eat
none of these. Buy baked goods and bread at your local bakery.
Stay away from “low cholesterol” foods. There are solvents in
decaffeinated and other powdered mixes for beverages. Drink
nothing except milk from the grocery store (sterilize it). Milk
does not have solvent pollution. The hormones, antibiotics and
udder wash can be tolerated—solvents cannot.

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