Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

plained that her thinking was weird, although she was an excellent
student (she got her birth date wrong on our office forms!) She
had high levels of mercury and we suggested dental work imme-
diately. Two months later she was feeling much better and had all
metal removed but was experiencing a slight return of symptoms
which panicked her. She still had E. coli and Bacillus anthracus at
four tooth locations, giving her chronic sinus symptoms. She
needed her cavitations cleaned. Four weeks later she described
how she had gotten immediate emotional relief after two cavitations
were done. Our solvent test showed methyl butyl ketone, benzene
and carbon tetrachloride (which we found in her Mountain Valley
Arkansas Spring Water). They were lowering her immunity giving
recurrent Herpes and yeast problems. These disappeared in a
week. She was so happy to find the cause of her problems and yet
so angry at the nature of the cause that she planned to write to the
water company. We need more such environmental activists.

Monica Koziol was on IbuprofenTM for menstrual cramps. She also got
a severe sugar craving and minor depression and headache with
her period. She was toxic with silver, copper, platinum, mercury
and lead. She also had hookworms, pinworms, human liver fluke
and cat liver flukes infesting her. A hormone test showed very low
estrogen (57.6 pg/ml) probably due to all these interfering factors.
She had all the metal from her fillings replaced and killed parasites
with the herbal recipe. This gave her regular normal periods for
several months. She decided to get pregnant but couldn't. A follow-
up showed she was full of parasites again. She had stopped the
maintenance parasite program. She resumed it and began kidney
and liver cleanses to get longer lasting benefits.

Barbara Ashby, age 43, had suffered for 1½ years from menstrual
pain. She had oxalate crystals in her kidneys and was started on
the kidney cleanse. She followed this with the parasite program
and dental metal replacement. Then she cleaned her liver and after
three cleanses (she got over 1,000 stones the first time!) she said
she felt great again.

Terri Entzminger, age 16, had a long list of health problems including
painful ovaries and painful periods for which she was put on birth
control pills by her doctor. She had several bacteria in her genital
tract: Neisseria gonorrhea, Plasmodium cyano, Staphylococcus

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