of pregnancy is the scourge of expectant parents. After
waiting hard and long for the desired pregnancy, the mother-to-be
feels rotten, salivates and gags at the thought of food, and wants
no more sex. Maybe sex is ill-advised during pregnancy, no
matter how reassuring the male or male-oriented obstetrician is!
Maybe salivation is actually mercury excretion being attempted
by the body. Maybe nausea is all about keeping toxins out of the
body and away from the developing child. These are intriguing
possibilities, worthy of your research expertise.
A few decades ago the treatment for nausea was a weekly B 6
and B 12 shot. Ask your obstetrician for this to see if it helps.
An older, herbal remedy was cinnamon tea: 2 tbs. cinnamon
(bark or powder) in 2½ cups boiling water, steeped for 10 min-
utes. Strain and add honey to taste. Dose: ¼ cup three times a day
before meals.
Nausea invites starch eating—pasta, potatoes, rice and bread.
Starches can absorb. Perhaps they absorb the noxious substances
causing nausea. Make sure you add vitamin C to grains. In any
case you must still eat additional nutritious food to grow your
baby. In spite of craving a pickles/chocolate pudding/carbonated
beverage lifestyle, you must eat mainly good food. Craving can
take strange turns. Search for the taste you crave in good food
and in long forgotten childhood foods.
These are all the fertility cases I saw in a year's time. None
were left out in order to hide failure. Assess the success rate
Domilita Renshaw and her husband had been trying for six years to get
pregnant. Both had been tested and treated in assorted ways.
Domilita's period was irregular, a sure sign that all is not well in