Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

as quickly as crumbs and cheese attract mice. Urinary tract
bacteria are making use of your urea as their food. To digest it,
they first break the urea molecule apart into two ammonia
molecules. It is the ammonia smell of the urine that gives away
their presence. The urine should have no ammonia smell. Our
bodies do not make ammonia. Only bacteria can do this! Their
digestive enzyme is called urease. In order to do its job, this
enzyme requires the element nickel.
Nickel is plentiful in the soil which is undoubtedly where
these bacteria belong, breaking up and utilizing the urine and
droppings left there by animals. They perform an essential task in
our environment, destroying animal excrement and thereby
cleaning-up the soil around us. What folly it is to load ourselves
up with nickel so that in one short hop from the earth they are
residing in us! Bacteria are all around us doing their valuable
jobs. We cannot stop associating with bacteria. We were not
meant to feed them, however. If we did not supply them with
nickel, as if we were just another patch of earth, they could not
gain a foothold in our urinary tract and then to the prostate.
How can we rid our bodies of nickel? This is the challenge.
Are we eating dirt? A small amount of dirt can't be avoided on
our food. But we can stop sucking on nickel as if it were a lolli-
pop. Our spoons, forks and knives are made of nickel! Stainless
steel is 8% nickel! Does it really come off as you eat? When you
stick a knife into the mayonnaise jar, it is stained in a few
minutes. Try it. The mayonnaise has reacted with the metal
loosening the nickel. When you smear the knife over your bread,
this film comes off and you eat it. If you were to put the knife in
your mouth, now, you could taste the metal. You will later wash
the knife but not before you have eaten enough nickel to supply
all the bacteria in your body with the daily allowance of their
essential element, nickel. Nickel is not our essential mineral.
Even plants keep their nickel levels very low. But due to
pollution of animal feed with it, even a hen's egg now has 3

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