bly improved five weeks later and was quite eager to improve
further. A toxic element test showed he was full of copper, anti-
mony (from mineral ice massages), cobalt (aftershave), zirconium
(deodorant), thulium (vitamin C fortified orange drink) and mercury
(very high, from tooth fillings). He planned on cleaning all of it out
of his body and regaining his lost strength.
Harvey Van Til, age 35, came in for his prostate and testicle swelling
which began shortly after a vasectomy. He ached over the front
right side of his abdomen. He was started on the kidney herbs and
in four weeks he had eliminated his oxalate crystals and felt
considerably better. We next found the adult intestinal flukes and
human liver flukes in his prostate gland! After killing them immedi-
ately with a frequency generator and getting instant relief of pain,
he got his own device and did not need to return.
Clayton Gamino, 26, had pain during urination which he interpreted as
a left-over from a prostate infection he once had. He got all the
metal out of his mouth, and did a kidney cleanse. A half year later
he had no remaining pains and was able to father his first child.
Side Pain..................................................................
Pain on the right side can
come from problems at the
ileocaecal valve or the appen-
dix or the large intestine itself.
It can also come from the liver
which is higher up but is
sending its pain message to
your side. Pursue it as an in-
testinal problem first, killing
parasites and bacteria and
normalizing bowel movements
with the Bowel Program. If the
pain persists, especially if it
reaches up the side to the
Fig. 22 The liver has a large
lobe on your right side with the
gallbladder tucked inside. The
left lobe is smaller.