Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

middle of the waist, it is probably due to the liver.
The liver is a large organ, mostly on the right side of the
body, but with a smaller lobe on the left side. It is the chemical
manufacturing plant for the body. It pulls in the food from the
intestine (that you ate hours ago) and makes your body's chemi-
cals from them. Toxic items are changed chemically into non-
toxic items that the kidney is able to excrete into the bladder.
Fatty things must be made water soluble for them to leave with
the urine. The liver also makes bile and sends toxic items along
with it to the intestine through the bile ducts. The bile enables
calcium and fat to be absorbed. If the liver isn't getting much bile
to the intestine, fat is left in the bowel contents and the feces will
float in the toilet bowl. That is your clue to bile duct blockage.
Bile is bright green. Mixed with intestinal contents it turns the
bowel movement dark brown. If the bile is not arriving in the
intestine the bowel movement will stay light colored, even
yellow or orange. This is another clue to bile duct blockage.
Over a quart of bile should exit the body each day. Since bile is
loaded with cholesterol this daily excretion of bile is a major
method of keeping cholesterol levels low. If the bile ducts are
choked with debris so only half as much (often only a cup instead
of a quart!) bile is produced and excreted you can expect
cholesterol levels to rise, and digestion to be bad. When food
isn't promptly digested and absorbed the ever present, ever-ready
bacteria will grab it for themselves.

Taking cholesterol-lowering drugs should be reserved for
cases where natural excretion cannot be regained.

E. coli and other intestinal bacteria, which do no harm in
moderate numbers, can overgrow in a few hours to give you
bloating, gas and pain. Your body produces no gas. Only bacte-

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