Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

ria can produce gas. If your side pain is accompanied by bloating
and gas, you know you have a digestive problem. And that this
digestive problem stems from a congested liver if the pain is
directly under it or over it, or if the feces are light colored or
your cholesterol levels are high. Not everybody has all the
To clear the clogged passages of the bile ducts, you simply
do the liver cleanse (page 552 ) over and over until the problem
is gone. There is one catch. If there are living parasites in the
bile ducts, they will not let the bile ducts clear themselves. They
are stuck fast to your ducts as a tick can be to your skin. They
must be killed before they will let go. Zap them all, or you may
use the herbal parasite program, staying on a twice a week
maintenance program. Only after parasites are dead (after day 20
if using the herbal program) will you get a lot of “green stuff”
and be able to clear “stones” out of your bile ducts. Only one
large duct at a time will clean itself. We have hundreds of larger
ducts and thousands of tiny ducts feeding into the larger ones!
Stay on a schedule of cleansing the liver every two weeks
(unless you are ill) until your side pain is gone, your digestion is
normal, and you are bouncing with energy. You may also lose
some weight, but only if you are overweight.
Remember that a clogged liver
does not necessarily give you pain by
itself. It is more likely the bacteria in
the gall bladder and bile ducts,
causing inflammation there and in
your intestine, that cause pain. Don't
wait till pain occurs over the liver.
Use whatever clues you can to diag-
nose your clogged condition. Or just
assume it is clogged. Do the cleanse,
and see if you get any stones out. It
can never hurt and can help a lot. Fig. 23 Gallstones.

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