cate from her salt. She had two extra lung parasites: Paragonimus,
a lung fluke, and Pneumocystis. She was immediately improved
after cleaning up these sources and canceled her future
Cay Wenkert, 63, had asthma for many years for which she took
ProventilTM, but this gave her such bad side effects she had to stay
home now and not venture out. Her lungs were full of benzalkonium
(toothpaste), arsenic (ant poison under kitchen sink), zirconium
(deodorant), and nickel from tooth metal. She had dog heartworm
in her lungs(!), in addition to her heart where she sometimes felt
pain. She had Ascaris and Naegleria, mycoplasma, Endolimax
and the intestinal fluke in her lungs! She coughed up blood, after
her doctor had diagnosed bronchiestasis recently, meaning her
lungs were not capable of sweeping out the daily refuse we all
breathe in. In spite of killing these and cleaning up her
environment she got no improvement. She repeatedly got
parasitized. She had four or five root canal teeth which she was
unwilling to have pulled. Hopefully, the tradeoff between teeth and
health will soon begin to look poor.
Amy Newberry, 41, had recently begun to have asthma attacks. She
had been on cortisone but now was on inhalers through the day
(two puffs VentillinTM 3x/day, plus three puffs IntelTM 3x/day plus
four puffs AsthmacortTM 3x/day). She was often hospitalized for
attacks. She also had stomach trouble and sinus problems (had
pneumonia recently). She had Ascaris larvae, Endolimax, Naegle-
ria and Acanthocephala in her lungs! She also had arsenic and
palladium (tooth metal). Going onto homeopathic medicine for
stuffiness helped her avoid some hospital visits. It took several
months (5 visits) to track her arsenic source to the bedroom car-
pets (stain resistance!). After steam cleaning it herself and doing a
liver cleanse (after first killing parasites) she was amazed at her
improvement. She had not been to the hospital in a month and was
only using inhalers preventively. She planned to get dental work
done. She got all her former health back.
Laura Brewster, 25, lived in a very old house. The slightest exertion
would give her an asthma attack. She frequently got pneumonia,
too. Her lungs had beryllium (coal oil) and asbestos, and two
parasites, Paragonimus (lung fluke) and Ascaris. She got rid of all
the old fashioned lamps and candles in the house, but could not