Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

ing. He had Ascaris infestation and arsenic pollution in his home.
He also had palladium toxicity from tooth fillings. As soon as they
removed the mouse bait from their home, tore down the hallway
wallpaper (arsenic source) and changed wells (the well water had
arsenic in it from seepage!) and killed parasites, his cough was
gone. He also finished his dental work. All this took six months.

Gene Mizell, age 4, was constantly clearing his throat. His parents
wondered if it was a “nervous habit.” He had two species of As-
caris living inside his small body. He was started on a small dose
of parasite herbs immediately, stirred into a daily dose of VMF
syrup (see Sources). He also had PCBs, aluminum silicate, lute-
tium from recent painting in the house and xylene and toluene
solvents. He was switched off soda pop and onto milk. We saw him
five weeks later. He had gone through three treatments with
vermifuge syrup. His throat clearing was gone, as well as his
hacky cough and the blue circles around his eyes. He still had
PCBs, which they later cleared by switching off detergent.

Carmen Castro, 30ish, had a chronic cough without being ill. She also
had some heart irregularity. She had Dirofilaria (dog heartworm)
and Loa loa. There were no indoor pets. After killing the parasites
with a frequency generator and starting on the parasite herbs she
was still coughing a bit but her pulse was down to 80 (from 120).
She still had toluene, TC Ethylene solvents and mercury, platinum
and lead in her body. Then a gas leak developed in their home.
She used moth balls and painted a room. After this she had to be
on antibiotics for her extreme cough. This time she had myco-
plasma, Haemophilus and influenza. She killed these electroni-
cally and her coughing stopped. Until she gets the dental work
done she will continue to pick up new infections.

Hope Feldman, 57, had been coughing for half a year. She had seen
many doctors including a reflexologist. She had mycoplasma and
alpha strep at tooth #17 (lower left wisdom tooth). As soon as
these were killed with a frequency generator her cough stopped.
She was advised to wear turtleneck sweaters for extra warmth over
her bronchii and get a cavitation cleaned at tooth #17.

Teresa White, 37, had bronchitis several times each winter and was
put on antibiotic for the whole season to keep it from breaking out.
Her lungs were loaded with tantalum from dental metal, cobalt from
detergent and thulium from her vitamin C. She had taken

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