buildup from drinking PepsiTM and Mountain Dew.TM Her pulse was
slightly elevated at 80. There were no pets in the house. She was
started on the parasite program and two months later was rid of
her heartworm but now had Loa loa in her heart and was still
coughing a bit. She was full of platinum, mercury and palladium
from tooth metal as well as vanadium from a gas leak in her home
and paradichlorobenzene from using moth balls. She was on anti-
biotics for a “bronchial infection” and was happy to learn about a
better solution.
Slow Pulse/Syncope (Passing Out)........................................
Mason Heckler, 30s, was a mechanic by trade and could not afford to
pass out on the job. Yet, it had been happening off and on for 10
years. He had acquired high blood pressure in his teens! This was
soon followed by an extremely slow pulse (50 beats/mm). No
medicine worked (he had been tried on many) so he was on none.
Then he got high blood pressure, it was 160/80 currently. He also
had constant chest pain around the left nipple. He had heartworm
and was started on the herbal parasite program. He never had a
dog. In five weeks his pulse was 72; the parasite was gone. I pre-
sume his syncopes were due to sudden blood pressure changes
or missing a few heart beats in a row. He began the kidney
cleanse next to lower his blood pressure.
Chest Pain................................................................
When there is a tightness or just a little pain at the middle of
the chest, especially under the breastbone, you may be merely
having an allergic reaction. You might be feeling little spasms
coming from the esophagus, and reaching up toward the throat
from gallstones. You might also have HIV/AIDS disease which
has a similar symptom over the sternum. So it is very important
to pay attention to even a minor symptom in the chest.
Ruling out HIV disease ranks first in importance. Search for
its emission at 365 KHz, or purchase a microscope slide with