Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

siding in the bile ducts and blocking them (flukes, pinworms and
roundworms) and get onto a maintenance parasite program. Then
mark your calendar for your first liver cleanse. Even if your first
cleanse gives you only a dozen bits of green “stuff” you have
done well; you have accessed the bile ducts. The pains will
probably be “magically” gone the next day, but they might start to
return in two days. The bile ducts are having spasms again due to
the remaining stones.
After you have cleaned out 1,000 or more, you will get per-
manent relief. Repeat every two weeks, unless ill, until the upper
back pains are gone, permanently. If chest pain or upper back
pain is severe, try going off your favorite high fat food (ice
cream, butter, cheese). Also try taking 6 valerian capsules, 4
times a day including bedtime to relieve the spasms.

Shoulder Pain...........................................................

Some shoulder pain is called bursitis and some is called ar-
thritis. But it always derives from stuck gallstones in the bile
ducts of the liver! You can prove this by taking a tablespoon of
Epsom salts in ¾ cup water at 6 p.m. instead of supper and on an
empty stomach (or you may feel quite ill). If some of the pain
subsides then you have evidence as to its true cause, because
Epsom salts relax the bile duct valves.
Get started cleaning the liver (page 552 ). By the time you
have chronic or acute shoulder pain you have about 3,000
Stones! Count them roughly, as they float in the toilet after the
liver cleanse so you know how much progress you have made
toward the final goal. Don't start cleaning the liver until you have
killed parasites and spent three weeks cleaning the kidneys
though. This improves elimination of liquid toxins so a liver
cleanse is promptly cleaned up for you.

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