Upper Arm Pain.......................................................
Excruciating pain in the upper arm soft tissues can keep your
arm hanging straight down for fear of worsening it with motion.
Magnets of high strength (2x5000 gauss) taped to your arm,
under your sleeve, can get you through the day. Also try valerian
capsules (6 capsules four times a day). Go off all fat in the diet to
let the spasm subside. Then start your liver cleanse at 6 p.m. If
you used pain killer drugs during the day, the cleanse may not
yield anything but it's worth a try anyway. You might be lucky
and pop out the chief culprit stone. If not, you should wait several
days before trying again; this time avoid pain killers the day of
the cleanse. Be sure to zap parasites the day before or earlier.
Peggy Patton, age 60, had shoulder pain and painful feet in addition to
aching all over. The aching was due to Trichinella which both she
and her husband had. It took six months on the parasite program
before it stayed away. She had clay colored stools, evidence of
bile duct blockage. Then two liver cleanses cured her shoulder
pain, nausea and remaining pains. She started gardening again
and immediately picked up hookworms and Trichinella again. But
she learned to sanitize her hands with grain alcohol after washing
away dirt and this kept her parasites in check.
Jessica Atkinson, a middle age school teacher, developed a pain in the
right cheek quite suddenly. She also had pain over the right mid
abdomen and right side at the waist but X-rays and scans showed
nothing (she had been X-rayed three times). She struggled for
seven years to stay employed. She was having severe pain attacks
over the liver and described her stool as almost white after these
attacks. She cleaned her liver at least 30 times before she related,
one day, that her joy in living had returned. Her gallstones were
exceptionally large (½ x ¾ inch). Eventually the abscesses in her
upper teeth were found, clearing up her cheek pain and protecting
the liver from recurrent infections from these bacteria. Only then
did she get permanent and complete pain relief.