Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

parasites and cleaning the liver may give you the permanent cure.
Wearing a wrist bandage or support can help reduce trauma
damage to the wrist while it is healing.
Numbness of hands, without wrist pain, is more often due to a
brain problem with parasites and pollutants. Lead, mercury, fluke
parasites are the usual culprits.

Thumb Pain and Hand Pain......................................

can be due to liver parasites. Get yourself ready for a liver
cleanse. If the pain goes away beforehand, while you are on the
kidney cleanse, it shows you had deposits in your joints. You
were headed for arthritis in your hands. Read the information on
arthritis (page 78 ) to protect yourself.

Finger Pain...............................................................

This is pain in a joint, often accompanied by some enlarge-
ment or knobbyness of the joint. It is not hard to recognize these
as deposits of the same kind as we saw in the toes. You can test
yourself to identify the variety. Uric acid and phosphates are the
commonest types. Read the section on toe pain (page 55 ) for
detailed instructions. You can greatly reduce your finger joint
deposits and the size of the knobs. In six weeks after starting the
kidney cleanse and changing your diet, the knobs may already be
shrinking. A large magnet (5000 gauss—used only as directed)
may bring pain relief but only dental cleanup and environmental
cleanup will give you lasting improvement.

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