joint with their frequent spasms. There is always a hidden tooth
infection present. Ask the dentist to search for hidden tooth in-
fections and to clean your cavitations (you will need to find an
alternative dentist, and read Dental Cleanup, page 409 ). Begin
immediately to heal these bone lesions with vitamin D (40,000 to
50,000 units once a day for 3 weeks, followed by 2 such doses
per week forever), milk-consumption for calcium, and a
magnesium oxide tablet. (See bone healing, page 87 ).
Kill pinworms with a zapper or frequency generator in your-
self and family members twice a week and keep everyone's fin-
gernails short for extra hygiene in the family for a month to
prevent reinfection. Pinworms can cause tooth grinding and
contribute to TMJ dysfunction. For extra muscle relaxation, take
two magnesium tablets at bedtime and valerian capsules.
Tooth Ache...............................................................
Before the pain becomes acute and excruciating, kill bacteria
of the mouth, including “tooth decay” and “tooth plaque”
frequencies (see frequency list, page 561 ). Make your dental
appointment immediately. If zapping bacteria several times in a
few hours relieves pain enough to get you through the night or
past the weekend, do not delay a single day. Zapping does not
reach into the middle of an abscess—it circles around, so some
bacteria are left to repopulate.
Try to understand the problem. If there are teeth with root
canals near the location of pain, extract them. The toxic materials
of the root canal jeopardize your total body health. Removing
them always helps and may let the jaw heal normally where they
were extracted. Since the pain is caused by a bulging infection
pressing on a jaw nerve, and because each tooth has a related
organ(s) it is especially important to clear up all infections to
protect these organs.