deepest sympathy since they must carry on with life's daily duties
in spite of it. Often, no medicine helps. Although there are
common headaches, sinus headaches, migraines, and others, the
causes of all overlap a great deal.
Tooth infection, urinary tract infection, bowel problems, and
a wormlet, Strongyloides are the common causes.
There are also allergic connections which include milk, eggs,
citrus and salty foods. But the allergy-approach is difficult to put
into practice. It is almost impossible to stay off these foods for
long time periods. Eliminating bacteria and Strongyloides leads
to a permanent solution.
Possibly the parasite wormlet comes first, since even young
children can suffer with migraines. Strongyloides is a micro-
scopically small threadworm that horses are plagued with, but
humans and our pets pick it up easily. Every migraine sufferer
(100%) has high levels of this tiny worm. Perhaps it is really the
special bacteria it brings with it that cause the blood vessels to
seep or to spasm in the brain, causing pain. Zap it immediately.
Bacteria hidden under a tooth filling or root canal or in a
space where once a tooth was pulled can be the cause. Staphylo-
coccus aureus is a favorite, but various Clostridia, Streps and
others are often seen, too. You don't feel pain from this small
abscess because the pressure isn't building up inside it. It has
found a way into your body–namely, your brain!–so no pressure
builds up to alert you. Find an alternative dentist with experience
cleaning cavitations and finding small hidden abscesses. If you
get immediate relief from dental work, only to lose ground again
later, the abscess may have formed again (they are notorious for
forming again). Go back to the dentist. Irrigate the dental wound
site with white iodine (potassium iodide, 12 drops) or Lugol’s (6
drops) to ¼ cup water using a curved-tip syringe.