Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

potty-trained meanwhile) the mother began to have headache-free

Donald Schaible, age 14, had migraines, learning disabilities and se-
vere acne. The parasite test showed Strongyloides, hookworm
and Ascaris. In spite of being on the parasite program two weeks
and zapping, he still had Strongyloides.

Kenneth Jones had migraines for thirty five years and had tried all the
new medications. They worked for a while, then stopped helping,
but he continued taking them anyway. He usually went to the
emergency room for the really bad ones, once a week but lived
with the constant daily variety. There were two house dogs. They
and the whole family had Strongyloides. After cleaning up an as-
bestos problem, killing parasites for five months and clearing kid-
neys of urate stones, he was down to two to three mere headaches
a week. Two months later, he was getting migraines again; they all
had Strongyloides again. With renewed efforts, one month later
his bad headaches were down to one a month, although his low
level chronic headache persisted: they had the dogs on a strict
schedule of parasite killing herbs as well as themselves. He had not
been to the emergency room for a month.

Angelina Gander, age 46, had daily headaches, not migraines. She
also had persistent urinary tract infection and sinus infection. She
was put on the herbal parasite program and four weeks later was
much better. She also lost her chest pain due to heartworm and
regained her milk tolerance.

Gracie Arlington had a boy age 6 who wet the bed, a girl age 8 with a
behavior problem at school. She was stressed by an unfaithful
spouse and thought she should go back to school for a Nursing
degree so she could support the family. But she was getting two or
three migraines a week in addition to colitis attacks which she
feared would make her unable to study. The two cats, a dog, the
children and herself all had Strongyloides, Ascaris, and a variety
of other intestinal parasites. The humans were promptly zapped for
parasites and the boy was dry that night for the first time in his life.
A few nights later he was wet again. This time the animals were
zapped and put on the pet parasite program and the children's
toileting was carefully supervised. When she dropped her extreme
vigilance over all, they all relapsed. After a year of trying, they
gave away their beloved dog, put the cat box in the porch

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