Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

To hasten healing, as soon as earache is suspected put room
temperature olive oil in both ears, tug the earlobe to let bubbles
out, and stopper them with cotton wool salvaged from vitamin
bottles (other types are polluted with mercury). Put on a light bat
that covers the ears.
When adults get earache, the Streps are hiding under tooth
fillings and in gallstones. Clean up these two sources and zap.
Drinking non sterile milk adds Salmonellas and Shigellas to
the Strep ear infection! Small wonder milk is thought to make
people mucousy. The ears must now battle them, too. Even a few
bacteria consumed in milk can start a whole colony if bowel
bacteria have been disturbed by antibiotics. If your child has
become “allergic” to milk or gets mucousy, remove cheese and
ice cream–not milk–from the diet. Even cheese can be eaten if
baked as in pizza or casseroles. Milk must be boiled. Try to
reduce the child's Salmonella sensitivity by avoiding unneces-
sary antibiotics. Keep immunity high by avoiding moldy food!

Ear Noises And Ringing...........................................

This is also called tinnitus. A hissing or buzzing sound is
heard in one or both ears. It can be continuous or pulsing off and
on. It can be as loud as roaring.
Tinnitus is caused by three things acting in partnership: toxic
elements, an allergy to salicylates (the aspirin family) and a
bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumonia bug). This
“bug” can be carried in the chronic state after a bout of
pneumonia or what seems to be a head-cold. It is always present
in earache. It is easily activated by exposure to cold wind or
drafts and certain toxic substances. For this reason I recommend
keeping the ears warm in winter by keeping them covered or
wearing a cotton plug or ear-muffs. The Strep bug can also cause
Meniere's syndrome, congestion, loss of balance and

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