Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

of them can recover or regenerate so insulin is no longer neces-
sary. The insulin shot itself may be polluted with wood alcohol
(this is an especially cruel irony—the treatment itself is wors-
ening the condition). Test it yourself, using the wood alcohol in
automotive fluids (windshield washer) or from a paint store, as a
test substance. Try different brands of insulin until you find one
that is free of methanol.
Artificial sweeteners are polluted with wood alcohol! In-
stead of helping you cope with diabetes, they are actually pro-
moting it! Do not use them.
Drugs that stimulate your pancreas to make more insulin may
also carry solvent pollution; test them for wood alcohol and
switch brands and bottles until you find a pure one. You may not
need them much longer, so the extra expense now may soon
reward you.
Many persons can detoxify the amount of wood alcohol that
pollutes our foods. They do not have a food mold, Kojic acid,
built up in their bodies as diabetics do. I have found Kojic acid
in coffee, and potatoes with gray areas inside. Do not eat dis-
colored potatoes or peels, even if cooked or baked. Being able to
detoxify a poisonous substance like wood alcohol should not
give us the justification for consuming it. All poisons are bad for
us. Do not consume them.
All diabetic persons also carry a virus, HA virus in the pan-
creas. This virus grows in the skin as a wart but is spread quite
widely in the body such as in the spleen or liver besides pan-
creas. It is not necessary to kill this virus since it disappears
when the pancreatic fluke is gone. The HA virus undoubtedly
belongs to the pancreatic fluke. The question can be asked: Does
the fluke or its virus cause diabetes? There might even be a
bacterium, so far missed in our observations, that is the real

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