Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

While recovering from diabetes, it is very important to check
your blood sugar every day. Improvement is so rapid, you may
suddenly be over-insulinized by your next shot. Cut down your
dose to suit your actual need.

There are additional aspects to diabetes that have been
studied by alternative physicians. For instance, allergy to wheat
and other grains containing gluten is common. Perhaps the pan-
creas and its islets would heal much faster if grains were out of
the diet for a while. Perhaps the 50% improvement that is con-
sistently possible just by killing parasites and stopping wood
alcohol consumption could be improved further by a month of
grain-free diet. Eating fenugreek seeds has been reported to
greatly benefit (actually cure) diabetes cases. Are they a specific
fluke killer, virus killer, or neither? It seems like a good idea to
add this to your diet if you are a diabetic. Wood alcohol also
accumulates in the eyes, and there is a connection between dia-
betes and eye disease. Bilberry leaves are an herbal treatment
for both diabetes and weak eyes. Do they help by counteracting
wood alcohol or detoxifying Kojic acid? Make a tea for yourself,
using ¼ cup leaves to three cups water. Drink ½ cup a day.
Chromium is another must for diabetics (200 mcg three times a
day). It helps insulin enter your cells.
Gold is attracted to the pancreas. Heavy metals should be
removed from dentalware including all gold crowns and no metal
should be worn next to the skin as jewelry, including all gold

Blythe Jenkins was on MicronaseTM (5 mg) daily for her diabetes but
she still had a morning blood sugar of 183. She had pancreatic
flukes and sheep liver flukes in her pancreas, vanadium (a gas
leak) in her home and cadmium in her water (old pipes). After kill-
ing parasites and cleaning kidneys her morning blood sugar was
down to 148. She also got rid of her hot flushes, groin and leg

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