Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

after she moved to a new house it went away. Herpes 2 stayed
away. A year later she still hadn't opened the ZoviraxTM bottle.


Fatigue, whether minor or extreme, is always associated with
blood sugar disturbances. The more disturbance, the more
fatigue. We have three organs that do most of the sugar regu-
lating: our adrenals, the liver, and the islets in the pancreas. In
severe fatigue, that keeps you partly bedridden, all three organs
are heavily parasitized. Epstein Barre Virus (EBV) is running
amok in your body, as a rule, even when clinical culture
techniques cannot find it. With your frequency generator and
Syncrometer you can find it emitting at 380 KHz. Killing the
viruses is not as important as killing the larger parasites and
getting your organs functioning for you again. The viruses will go
away by themselves.
The liver's role in blood sugar regulation is to get it out of
storage when needed. When sheep liver flukes have taken up
residence they're spewing their chemicals as well as their own
bacteria and viruses into your circulation; it is surprising that the
liver has any sugar in reserve and can function at all. Sheep liver
flukes are commonly seen in fatigue syndrome cases.
The adrenals (the outer layer called the cortex) help to
regulate the blood sugar in a complex way. Some adrenal factors
influence the thyroid which is another energy-related organ. Both
adrenals and thyroid have toxic buildups in fatigue cases! Their
work is hampered.
The heart of sugar regulation is in your pancreas in the tiny
islands of cells that secrete insulin, called the islets of Langer-
hans. Here we always find the pancreatic fluke in residence. It
actually breeds there when wood alcohol accumulates in it.
Wood alcohol is a common pollutant of food, even in artificial

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