Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

buttermilk for several days afterward to provide lactic acid for
the “good” bacteria to feed and recover on.
Your second step is removing metal from your mouth, par-
ticularly gold. Gold from teeth and jewelry readily goes to the
pancreas! Do everything in the Easy Lifestyle Improvements
Your energy can bounce back in a few weeks by attending
your liver, adrenals and pancreas. Help these organs heal and
grow strong again. Avoid food molds (read Moldy Food, page
381 ). The most powerful assistance to the liver is a cleanse. This
will eliminate liver viruses such as EBV and Cytomegalovirus
(CMV). Be patient. Do it on a schedule until you have over 2,000
stones out. Take vitamin C at least 3 gm/day, to help both liver
and adrenals. Take B 2 and B 6 to help adrenals and kidneys. Take
glucose tolerance factor, chromium (two 200 mcg tablets
3x/day). See Sources for all of these. Take these supplements for
three weeks, then cut the dose in half, and take on alternate days
only, as a hedge against possible pollution in these.
Although your energy may be normal in three weeks, you are
at higher risk for fatigue than the average person. Reinfection
with anything will put the new parasites right back where the old
ones were. Other bacteria, solvents and toxins will head for the
pancreas, liver and adrenals again because these are weakened
organs. It could take two years to build your health to its
previous level, but is well worth it to have youth, initiative, and
a beautiful appearance again. Going back to school is a good use
of your time when your initiative has returned but your physical
strength is still not up to housework or a job. When your energy
comes back to you, it is tempting to overwork: to clean the whole
house or to get into some gardening.

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