Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

cals. Tight fitting, mercury treated diapers
are a modern atrocity. Always line them
with a tissue and keep them loose fitting.
The skin that has rash or fungus should
be dried with paper towels, unfragranced
and uncolored, in order not to contaminate
the cloth towels, and thereby transport the
tiny infectious spores to other skin loca-
tions. You may use skin healers.
Only the skin healers given in Recipes
are safe to use. Keep them refrigerated
when not in daily use. Commercial lotions,
including health varieties, all contain toxic
Many adult rashes are due to allergies.
Allergy to nickel is common, the reaction is
easiest to see under rings or watches. The
metal is pulled into the body for
elimination. Since nickel is used by so many
bacteria, especially urinary tract bacteria, it
doesn't get eliminated, it gets taken up by
bacteria. It also piles up in kidneys,
adrenals, bladder and prostate where
bacteria thrive on it. Strangely, it also accumulates in the male
scalp (and in women's scalps who have male pattern baldness).
Allergy to strawberries, perfume, deodorant or chlorinated
water, however different they are, can all be expressed the same
way, in a rash. The liver has refused (been unable) to detoxify
the chemicals in these items and allows them to circulate in the
body. Not for long, though, since great damage could be done to
brain and other tissues. Mercifully, the skin grabs these chemi-
cals into itself. Ultimately, it must still be removed. The allergic
reaction and your immune system come to your skin's rescue,
although bringing you discomfort.

Fig. 29 Tight dia-
pers are a modern
atrocity, forcing
mercury and thal-
lium into the
baby’s sponge-
like skin.
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