more Salmonella is consumed, it will be vanquished in a day or
If your flu brings you a fever, use Lugol’s.
Fevers are there to help your body fight the invaders...up to a
point. Don't use a fever medication unless the body temperature
goes over 102°F, and then only enough to bring the fever down a
Most fevers, especially “fevers of unknown origin” are due
to Salmonellas and Shigellas. Your body may be young and
strong enough to kill them but not strong enough to kill an ev-
erlasting supply of them coming from dairy foods you eat on a
daily basis. Stop eating salads at restaurants immediately. Stop
eating food made by others' hands unless it is sterilized. Stop
eating dairy foods until you have cooked them. Stop eating those
that can't be cooked.
Sam Ellis, age 7, had two episodes of severe abdominal pain with fever
lasting two weeks. He got hyperactive with milk products, had a
frequent cough and stuffy nose. (Here the picture is quite clear.
The milk products were bringing him Salmonellas, Shigellas and
other bacteria which grew in his intestine to produce pain. But why
only Sam and not his brothers?) Sam had a buildup of benzene
from using bathroom soap containing a special herbal oil. Sam
also had hookworms, intestinal fluke, and rabbit fluke, probably
due to his lowered immunity from the benzene. Then his mother
boiled Sam's milk, removed the polluted soap (she planned to use it
herself!) and killed his parasites with the parasite herbs. His fever
went away and stayed away. He said he enjoyed all this because
now he “could play after school” without a stomach ache and he
wasn't being sent to the nurse's office because of a fever. Notice
the bacteria causing the temperature went away by themselves,
probably due to the return of his normally strong immune system.