The sick have been held hostage for their money or intangible
assets since time immemorial. Doctors, even primitive and
natural healers, surround themselves with mystery as they use
herbs or chemicals and incantations or “prognoses” to help the
sick recover. Today, the medical industry (doctors and their
suppliers and insurers) take a significant amount of the worker's
earnings. Wouldn't it be nice if they could all go back to gar-
dening or some other primitive and useful endeavor? Wouldn't it
be wonderful if the sick could join them?
The most promising discovery in this book is the effective-
ness of electricity to kill viruses, bacteria and parasites. Does
this mean you can cancel your appointment with your clinical
doctor? No it does not. Killing your invaders does not make you
well instantly. But happily, at your next doctor visits she or he
will be removing drugs, not adding them.
You might think that such an invention should be quickly
patented. That was my universal advice. But I chose not to. It
helps me, my children, and my grandchildren, if you are well.
The whole world needs to come out of the dark ages of medicine
and illness. And to learn the true causes of infection and disease.
We must and can usher in the new age of disease-free living.
No diabetes, no high blood pressure, no cancer, no
HIV/AIDS, no migraines, no lupus and so on!
Not a single disease is left unconquerable with this new un-