too narrow before high blood pressure struck? Simply getting
your blood pressure to normal is sufficient help for beginning
Antonia Guerrero, age 51, had glaucoma for five years and was dete-
riorating rapidly. She cleansed her kidneys, killed parasites and
changed her diet to the anti-arthritic one since she also suffered
from arthritis in her hands for ten years with painful enlarged
knuckles. She didn't get relief from taking aspirin. She got rid of
her asbestos toxins by bringing her own hair blower with her to the
hairdresser. After seven months she had pain relief for her arthritis
(without aspirin) and her glaucoma was pronounced stable by her
Tooth Decay.............................................................
The strongest part of our body structure is our bones. The
strongest bones are our teeth. How can they decay? We must look
at the enamel, dentine and root of the tooth as well as the bone
they rest in for some answers.
Scientists have already searched very hard and long for an-
swers. But their work is hampered by commercial interests that
try to shape the results. Since commerce determines which re-
search can be done (that is, paid for) sacred territory can be ig-
nored. For example, the effects of sugar-eating, gum-chewing,
tooth brushing, fluoridation, tooth filling materials and diet can
be ignored if it interferes with product sales. Trivial studies such
as comparing shapes of toothbrushes, studying the chemical
composition of plaque, and studies of bacterial structure and
genes are done instead. Studies “at the molecular level” do not
threaten existing industries.
Important research has lapsed since the 40's and 50's. Per-
spective on tooth health was sound and clear in the mind of Dr.
Weston Price in the 1930's. His scientific studies stand as a bea-
con even today because truths, once found, do not change. He