Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

stuffing in our mouths as we lick our fingers, finds an immediate
hiding place in a crevice where it can't be zapped. Many other
bacteria hide here, too: those that cause ear ache, sore throats,
bronchitis, stiff knees, joint disease. You can try zapping all the
Clostridia, Streps and tooth decay or plaque bacteria. But the
only way to successfully eliminate them is to pry them out of
hiding and wash them away. This is a job for the dentist (see
Dental Cleanup page 409 ).
Strep. mutans is considered to be the bacterium that causes
tooth cavities. I have found it in milk, evidently another pas-
teurization escapee. All the more reason to sterilize dairy prod-

Frannie LaSalle, 52, was getting compression fractures in her spine,
but the weak bone condition was evident in her mouth (many teeth
were loose—they could be jiggled!). Her gums were red and
inflamed. A low thyroid condition (she needed 2½ grains a day of
thyroid—in one day the normal body goes through 5 grains of thy-
roid products) contributed to this. Her blood phosphate level was
high (4.7 mg/DL—should be below 4.0) and her alkaline phos-
phatase was 205, also high, showing she was dissolving her bones
(including tooth sockets) at a rapid pace. Her whole system was
too acid, as could be seen in elevated CO 2 levels (28, when 23-30
is normal).
Only the major minerals, sodium, potassium, calcium and magne-
sium can have an impact on this major disturbance. The dentist
said she had to have all her teeth pulled and replaced with den-
tures. Her kidneys showed all three types of calcium phosphate
crystals. She drank no milk. She had only three weeks before her
oral surgery appointment. She was started on ½ cup 2% milk, 6
times a day plus 50,000 units of vitamin D (a prescription dose) to
make sure she absorbed all the calcium. She also took magnesium
oxide (300 mg. once a day) and vitamin B 6 500 mg (one a day).
She was started on the kidney cleanse to help activate the vitamin
D and to help the adrenal glands make estrogen. Her estrogen
level (5.2 pg/ml) was too low to get the calcium deposited back into
her bones. She was also given licorice herb for their estro-

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