Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

gen-like action to help with this and vitamin C, 1 gram (1,000 mg) 2
to 3 a day.
Her mouth care was to be as follows: potassium iodide (white io-
dine, made up by dissolving 88 gm potassium iodide in one li-
ter/quart water). Purchase a new very soft toothbrush. Use no
toothpaste or store bought floss. Use 2 lb. or 4 lb. (the 4 lb. is
coarser) fish line (rinse first). Brush twice a day; floss only once at
bedtime before brushing. Use 6 drops of food grade hydrogen
peroxide for daytime brushing. Use 6 drops of potassium iodide for
nighttime brushing. Use no mouthwash, chewing gum, candy. In
three weeks her teeth could not be jiggled. Her dentist was as-
tonished (but was not interested in how she achieved this). In six
weeks her mouth looked normal and she could chew some foods.
Her vitamin D was tapered as follows: Take 6 a week for the first
week (miss one day). Take 5 a week for the second week (miss
two days). Take 4 a week for the third week. Then 2 a week in-
definitely. She never lost a tooth.

Muscle Diseases......................................................

There are a variety of muscle wasting diseases, thought to be
genetic in their cause. Yet, what could be more easily inherited
than a parasite? Persons living together share food, living habits.
refrigerators, and parasites. Their shared genes indeed give them
similar susceptibilities but if we take muscle parasites away,
muscle diseases “magically” disappear.
Of course, there is no magic involved. It is actually hard
work. Hard work to rid the whole family of parasites that are
shared and possibly were present even at birth. Parasites that
normally don't go to the muscles. For example liver flukes and
intestinal flukes. They belong in the liver and intestine! Yet, in
muscle disease they show up and reproduce themselves in the
muscles. The reason for this becomes clearer when you see that
certain solvents have accumulated there. Heavy metals, bacteria,
and viruses have accumulated there, too. The host's muscles,

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