Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

instead of kidney and bowel, have taken on the duties of toxic
dumping grounds. Could it be that the regular routes of elimi-
nation were overwhelmed? Or did the muscles, traumatized by
these unusual parasites, invite the toxins? A tantalizing question.
But in seven minutes you can methodically kill everything and
anything that is alive in your muscles and shouldn't be there. Zap
until you are free of all parasite invaders. Your muscles will feel
lighter afterward.

Muscular Dystrophy................................................................

In muscular dystrophy the solvents, xylene and toluene are
seen to accumulate in muscles. These also accumulate in brain
and nervous tissue! (See Alzheimer's page 269 and multiple
sclerosis, page 204 ). Could it be that these solvents are actually
present in the nerves of the muscles?
Fortunately these solvents will leave your body, by them-
selves, in five days after you stop consuming them! Stop drinking
all store bought beverages, including water and powders that you
mix, and including health food varieties. Water claims and health
food powder claims sound as convincing and strong as a twelve
inch plank to walk on. But if the plank leads out over the side of
a ship, would you walk it?
Throw all your possible sources of solvents out. Flavored
foods are the chief offenders (cold cereals, sweets and candy
too). But of course, you should check in your basement or at-
tached garage for cleaning solvents. Places where painting is
done or automobiles are worked on should be off limits to you.
If you've been wondering whether you have muscular dys-
trophy, which I consider to be a fluke disease, search your mus-
cles electronically. Use prepared slides of flukes along with a
sample of hamburger meat to represent your muscles. If flukes
have already taken up residence in them, you should diagnose

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