strictions and gained the weight he wanted in order to participate
in athletics.
Myasthenia Gravis....................................................................
is probably a fluke disease. Some chemical, possibly coming
from the fluke, may affect the acetylcholine receptors, thereby
causing an allergic reaction so they become inefficient. This is
most noticeable in the eyelids. They droop from lack of strength
to lift them.
The thymus is often involved, too. The thymus is extremely
sensitive to benzene and with so much benzene pollution in our
products and foods (pollution from gasoline is negligible by
comparison), you will probably find benzene accumulated there.
Search the thymus and the muscles for parasites, bacteria and
tooth metal as well as toxins in the foods eaten daily. Kill in-
vaders twice a week with a zapper or stay on an herbal parasite
program until all danger of recurrence is past (one to two years).
Clean up dentalware, diet and environment. Keep no indoor
pets since any new parasite, however tiny, will surely find the
niche left behind by the flukes and give you a new myasthenia
gravis-like disease. The whole family must be parasite-free to
protect the member with myasthenia gravis. But it is a task easily
accomplished and desirable in its own right, so discuss your plan
immediately with family members. Don't delay. The flukes don't
waste a single minute. They go right on feeding and breeding.
Carmen Opsal, age 37, was told by her specialist she had her myas-
thenia from birth since she didn't have the strength to nurse. She
had pancreatic fluke stages throughout her body. Her plan was to
start on the parasite killing program, clean her kidneys, remove
toxic elements, kill bacteria and clean her liver. Long before she
accomplished this, in one month, she was feeling better and had
return of her strength on some days. She still had the solvent,
methylene chloride, from drinking “pure” orange juice and praseo-
dymium from eating foil-packaged foods, also thulium from her