Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

Of course, they should never touch a drop of alcohol: not
even the Black Walnut Hull Tincture in the herbal parasite pro-
gram. The aqueous recipe should be made for them. Since alco-
hol is produced anyway, in the body, the liver should never be
poisoned by molds, especially ergot: the very mold that is so
abundant in alcoholic beverages! Alcohol and ergot interact to
make each more toxic.
To help the brain recover its neurotransmitter status, take
glutamine (500 mg.), a B-50 complex, and niacinamide (500
mg—to help detoxify ergot), with each meal.
To prevent alcoholism, protect your liver from food molds,
especially ergot. Add vitamin C to nuts, pasta cereals, grains and
even alcoholic beverages! Avoid fossil fuel pollution of your
home by switching to all electric utilities.

Alcohol Addiction

There are many definitions of addiction. My definition is
based on the special brain toxins, beryllium and ergot.
The brain has a region called the addiction center. If this
center is stimulated it produces pleasure-chemicals. It is care-
fully controlled so that not too much pleasure or happiness can be
When a toxic substance, beryllium, is inhaled it circulates
with the blood to the brain and may land at the addiction center.
The more beryllium is inhaled the bigger the chance that it will
occupy the addiction center. The brain cells in the addiction
center have receptor sites for glutamate (the same glutamic acid
that comes from the protein in our food). Normally, glutamate
activates the addiction center. But when beryllium has “stolen”
these seats, the glutamate is powerless to activate the joy and
happiness center. The result is a low level chronic depression.
The more beryllium there is to clog the receptors the worse the
depression. Giving glutamic acid does not help but giving glu-

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