Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

disposition in the addicted person and this will be rewarding for
the whole family.

Miguel Alcorn's wife cleaned up the environment for Miguel, whose
alcoholism was 30 years long. Even lighter fluid was removed. The
garage was sealed off from the house. She added vitamin C to his
meals so he didn't have to “take anything”. She was very careful
about moldy grains. He lost his preoccupation with drinking after
killing parasites. She believes he is not sneaking any. Our hats are
off to her.


are always caused by tiny Ascaris larvae in the brain.
I suppose they find their way to the seizure center by acci-
dent. It is not normal for them to be in the brain, they typically
travel between the stomach and lungs. Ascaris eggs are present
everywhere in animal filth. Dogs, cats, horses and pigs all get
Ascaris. Their excrement dries and flies about in the dust, but
mostly it resides in the soil. Children playing in the dirt cannot
help but pick up Ascaris eggs. The eggs hatch in the stomach and
the tiny larvae, microscopic in size, travel first to the lungs. Here
they go through a molt. This causes some coughing.
Whenever a child coughs for part of the day do not assume it
is harmless. Use a frequency generator set to 408 KHz, or use a
zapper. Children should be treated for Ascaris anyway, whether
coughing or not, once a week. The tiny larvae are in the cough up.
Children should not be taught to politely swallow this. They
could be swallowing their own future seizures, asthma, or
eczema. Teach children to use tissues for all spit up. The lungs
are doing what they can to rid the body of these invaders. Your
intelligence must cooperate with your lungs.
Ascaris do not come sweet and clean in themselves. They
bring their own bacteria and viruses. One of these bacteria is
Bacteroides fragilis. Bacteroides needs a host like Ascaris so it

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