Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

can be oxygen-free. Such a requirement is termed obligatory
anaerobic meaning “must have absence of air.”
Being transported to the brain inside Ascaris larvae is
probably the means by which Bacteroides gets into the brain.
Brain abscesses and brain tumors usually have Bacteroides fra-
gilis growing there. Brain tumors will not shrink unless all the
parasites, bacteria and viruses are dead. Bacteroides, in turn, are
big enough to house thousands of viruses. Two common viruses
seen with Ascaris are Coxsackie B 1 and Coxsackie B 4. Perhaps it
is the toxins of the Ascaris larvae or Bacteroides or Coxsackies
that induces the seizures. Maybe it is something else about the
infestation that induces them. But by killing Ascaris, Bacteroides
and Coxsackies (zapper or frequency generator at 408, 325, 364,
362.5 KHz) you have eliminated the first essential link in the
chain of developments that causes seizures.
The brain does not quietly tolerate these invaders. It fights
back with its immune system. But the wormlets are already too
big to be eaten by white blood cells. The brain fights back by
producing inflammation.
Inflammations are intended to attract calcium so a wall can
be built around the intruders. Inflammations are negatively
charged regions so the positively charged calcium can find its
way to the inflamed site. But lead and mercury are also posi-
tively charged! Perhaps this is how these toxic metals are at-
tracted to the brain. All metals are positively charged. Perhaps
this is their fateful poisonous attraction to living things. Perhaps
they do not poison when no inflammations are present! In seizure
cases we see many tooth metals in the brain. These must be
removed so the inflamed site can heal.
Other toxic substances have also found their way to the in-
flammation at the seizure center: vanadium from leaking
household gas; PVC from new carpets; titanium from face
powder; zirconium from deodorant; asbestos from the clothes

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