Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

of air are taken to try to make up for the missed oxygen and the
carbon dioxide build up.
Swelling of the throat is a common allergic reaction. The
possibility of allergy should get second consideration after air
quality. Drug reactions, even in a nursing baby, where only the
mother is using a medicine could be the problem. Allergy to
food, chemicals has been suggested, as well as a simple lack of
vitamin C (implicating mold and medicine which consume vi-
tamin C in the detoxification process).
A third possibility is infection. Many bacteria and viruses
can cause throat swelling. Redness of the throat is a telltale sign.
It doesn't necessarily hurt. Kill all invaders with a zapper and try
to understand the basis of low immunity in the throat.
Keeping metal in the mouth constantly, is a cause of low
throat immunity since it must drain past the throat.
If you snore, you can deduce that your throat is swollen, even
if you don't have sleep apnea. Pursue all three possible causes
(air toxin, allergy, infection).
Overweight and obesity have been emphasized as causes.
This may apply to some cases but certainly not to babies.
Whatever you do, don't do nothing. Keep removing bad things
until you find the cause of irregular breathing.

Chester Fannon, 5Oish, was quite overweight and wore a mask at night
with an air blower to assist his breathing. He had been referred to
a sleep center for sleep apnea. He had extreme dryness of his
throat at night and some hearing loss in one ear. He was toxic with
arsenic (roach killer), bismuth (cologne), tin (toothpaste), and
thallium (polluted dentalware). He was infested with both species of
Ascaris and had a hacky cough. He had four solvents
accumulated in his tissues. He was growing nine pathogens:
Mycoplasma, Haemophilus inf., Streptococcus pneu, A-strep,
Nocardia, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Flu virus,
over half of them in his throat. These were killed with a frequency
generator and a general cleanup was done. After two teeth were
pulled he no longer needed his mask, he no longer had apnea.

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