miracles for yourself that my clients accomplished in the case
More good news is that it is not expensive. The cost will
range from a few hundred dollars to only a few thousand in order
to eliminate both problems and cure your chronic diseases.
Be A Health Detective.................................................
After curing your own diseases, teach your friends and family
how it's done. Families are related and their problems are
related. This should make the task easier. Keep a small notebook
to become part of the treasured family legacy as much as
photographs do. If your aunt, father and brother had diabetes as
well as yourself and all were cured after introducing them to this
concept and technology, isn't this worthy of notes in your family's
Notice what a strong line of inheritance there can be, not due
to sharing genes but due to sharing a roof, a table, a su-
permarket, and a dentist!
Many problems can be disinherited. Cure yourself of retinitis
pigmentosa, Muscular dystrophy (the “inherited” kind), and
break down your family's faith in the gene-concept for these
diseases. Bring hope to your family by proving diseases' true
etiology. Bring respect back for your loyal genes that bring you
hair color, and texture, not hair loss. That bring you eye color,
not eye disease. Your genes brought you the good things about
your ancestors, not the bad things. Parasites and pollution
brought you the bad things.
Killing all your invaders is just the first step, though. It is
indeed the life-saving step. But getting well is more than saving
your life. Next comes the more tedious task of finding their
sources. Where did they come from? Why did they invade you so
massively. Why you?