Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

hibitor, add it to the rinse. Dry diapers at the hottest setting. Dry
to kill. Kill all the yeast spores in the diapers.
To strengthen the baby's skin against future infection, do not
put chemicals on the skin. Do not use any soap, fragrance, bath
oil, ointment or lotion. Do not use cotton balls or baby wipes. Do
not give a daily bath. Wash bottoms gently, with borax followed
by a vitamin C rinse. Vitamin C is acid and is our natural healing
agent but it will sting on a broken skin surface. Use it as dilute as
necessary to be tolerated. Zinc oxide is another natural healer
because it competes away the iron that fungus and bacteria need
for their reproduction. Never use commercially available zinc
compounds though, simply purchase your own zinc oxide
powder, mix it with cornstarch and keep in a large old salt
shaker, dust it wherever there is moisture or fungus growth.

Treat Yeast or Fungus the Same..............................................

Other fungus growths, like Tinea (crotch itch), ringworm (not
a worm at all), athlete's foot, along with Candida, can be
similarly eradicated:

  1. Deprive the fungus of moisture.

  2. Deprive the invaders of iron.

  3. Deprive the fungus of sugar.

  4. Strengthen the skin's immune power.

  5. Strengthen the skin's healing ability.

It may be impossible to deprive the fungus of moisture, for
example if your feet sweat and you must wear socks. Take your
socks off as soon as you are at home, treat your feet with a heat
lamp. Use zinc oxide or cornstarch to powder and dry the skin.
Boil your socks when laundering. Dry them to tinder-heat (too
hot to touch). Launder with borax only (soaps and detergents
contain aluminum which pollutes the skin). Rinse skin with vi-
tamin C water. It takes all these measures used simultaneously

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