Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

The story of your personal pollution unfolds as in a book.
Look closely and you see the whole panorama of your numerous
tiny invaders being held at bay by your valiant immune system,
your white blood cells. You can see what they are fighting
besides the invaders. Your ill-chosen diet and lifestyle products!
Your heart may go out to those tiny white blood cells. Never
again, you may say, will you give them arsenic and mercury and
lead. Never again, cobalt and asbestos and freon.
That great body of wisdom, your body, the same as listened
to your three wishes, will reward you over and over as you co-
operate with it, until you have had not 3 but 30 wishes granted,
each one seemingly as impossible as climbing Mt. Everest.

  • Your chronic yeast infection can go away.

  • Your hair can stop falling out–might even grow back.

  • Your body can become pregnant–when you had already
    given up.

  • Your fatigue can vanish.

  • Your insomnia can be gone.

  • Your warts can fall off.

  • Your sight and hearing can sharpen.

  • Your constant hunger can disappear.

Health isn't just being free of sickness. Health is feeling
great, feeling like laughing at funny things. Health is feeling
grateful to be alive. It is feeling happy to see the sky and to see
growing things and to feel confident in human society's progress.
Health is remembering the good parts of childhood and believing
you still have a lot of them.

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